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Member Since 26 Jan 2011
OFFLINE Last Active Jan 15 2015 02:35 AM

Hey Guys

07 August 2011 - 09:19 PM

Hey guys, I've been on a couple of cruises already, (a Toodyay run and a cruise along the freeways/highways). They were great fun but I don't think I've properly introduced myself.

My name is Daniel, i'm 18, residing in Kewdale and still on my green Ps. I drive a white R34 GTT that some of you may have seen. Mostly stock, but I have loads of plans for it. Currently studying full time at Curtin so it's a little difficult to fund for the wishlist at the moment :P.

I'm also interested into getting onto the skid pan and going for a burn on the track. But I guess I need to get myself a helmet and a CAMS first.

So yeah, that's me! Looking forward to cruising more with you guys. So far I've been having a blast!