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Member Since 01 Oct 2010
OFFLINE Last Active Aug 27 2011 04:40 PM

In Topic: Jolly June Bug Cruise

04 June 2011 - 05:23 PM

Socs and I will be there in the Soarer and Skyline. Where abouts is the second/third meet points? My passenger doesn't finish work until 8.

In Topic: More car audio bullshit

29 April 2011 - 12:02 AM

Amps been running the sub fine for near on 6 months, perfectly matched 500w a piece.

The headunit has 3 in total I believe, it has the F speakers, R speakers and Sub out. Which hadn't been pulled apart or anything when I checked...which lead to my confusion haha If nothing came apart in my boot, and nothing's changed behind here....wtf's happened?

I think it could be due to a speaker grounding or the like, will have a better look tomorrow but thanks for all your help! Really appreciate it :)

In Topic: On the hunt for...

25 April 2011 - 06:28 PM

Turns out it worked. 3 times. Great.

In Topic: On the hunt for...

25 April 2011 - 06:20 PM

Yeah just tried but it came up with some sort of error.

Will keep trying.

In Topic: spotted

18 April 2011 - 08:02 PM

I think I spotted Matty079 in the soarer this arvo turning into a driveway on kent st in rockingham, one HID headlight was out!

Not in rockingham mate and my HID's are working fine!