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Member Since 02 Sep 2009
OFFLINE Last Active Jun 18 2024 12:16 PM

cruise and bbq 11/08/2013

29 July 2013 - 09:18 AM

Cruise is canceled!!!!

Meet Point: Midland Gate Undercover Car Park – Padbury Tce, Midland Direction: East /South. Duration: Approx 2.5 Hours not including stops
Distance: Approx 166km
map: Dams to Dams (for the people who know)
Date 11th August
Time:1030 meet 11am leave

Well this is locked in now so hopefully a few people can make it, we will be hitting a few dams and stopping for a bbq at serpentine dam BYO MEAT, COOKING GEAR, CHEF.

Hope to see some old faces out there and hopefully a few new people, this is an open cruise feel free to invite anyone.

Normal rules apply DONT BE A DICK!!!

Thanks guys


club cruise and bbq

06 July 2013 - 06:27 PM

Event postponed until further notice!!!

Time 10:30 meet leave 11am
map Coast cruise.............. prob sunset map
meet point is BURNS BEACH CAR PARK

ok guys lets do this its a sunday lunch/arvo cruise, we are heading FOR A COAST RUN ll sort the map and meetpoint out in next few days but expect it somewhere central.

bring all your friends and see if we can bring a bit of life back into this club.


ps.... bretto can you send an email out

track/skidpan day

22 March 2013 - 10:53 AM

i have copied this from bretts original topic so lets get this started

Ive had a strike of interest from a few people for another track day. Are we wanting to do another one soon or did we want to what a couple of months so we are not running it in the summer period?

People that are keen:
Bretto - R32 GTR - Confirmed------------- awaiting payment
David - R35 GTR - Confirmed-------------- awaiting payment
James - Push bike - Confirmed--------------------awaiting payment
James mate - Another push bike - Confirmed-----------awaiting payment
Gav - R32 GTR - Confirmed -------awaiting payment
Luke - R33 GTS-T - Pending on date------------awaiting payment
Lachlan - FC3C RX-7 - Pending on date--------------- awaiting on build
Al - R32 GTS-T - Confirmed---------------------- awaiting on car/payment
Socs - Skyline? - Confirmed------------------ do we have too
Scott - Aristo yeah boi 2jz------------------ this guy is awesome
Chris - R8 clubport (not a spelling mistake) confirmed --------------------- awaiting payment

Scotty, if i run this, i might need you help with who to contact to get it organized. I GUESS SO

REAPERS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! motherf%*...

04 February 2013 - 10:07 PM

hey guys im sorry ive been a bit absent but the popo decided that blowing over the limit was not cool (and i agree) so 8 months without a licence SUCKED believe me............

so time for a little cruise since i get my licence back on this day (8th april). so not only are we celebrating this but also Hank Scorpio (Lachlan) should have just spent the weekend SMOKING lambo's, fezza's and what ever tried to take us on, so why not a cruise along the coast for a bit of a feed at Captain Munchies in Freo. There will be no map i will just tell you the meet point and if you dont make it (you are retarded)......... SIMPLE!!!!!

Meet point: burns beach car park
date: 8th april
time: 630 meet 7pm leave
duration: FUCK KNOWS show up cruise. eat. laugh. cry. burn clutches. smoke rubber (just not on public roads because that is illegal). masturbate.