Member Since 05 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Jan 05 2011 08:08 AM
has a new boost controller...BOOOOOST
Updated 20 Sep · 0 comments
About Me
Hi, I'm Tab.
No one calls me Tabitha, just Tab, Tabs, Tabby whatever, just not Tabitha.
I'm a project geologist at an underground gold mine. I do FIFO, 9 days on 5 days off with 13 hour days.
I own a R34 GTT, my fiance owns a R33 GTR and our housemate owns a S15 type R, JDM spec.
My car has a few small mods, both performance and aesthetic. Generally its the fiance trying to do things to the car...
No one calls me Tabitha, just Tab, Tabs, Tabby whatever, just not Tabitha.
I'm a project geologist at an underground gold mine. I do FIFO, 9 days on 5 days off with 13 hour days.

I own a R34 GTT, my fiance owns a R33 GTR and our housemate owns a S15 type R, JDM spec.
My car has a few small mods, both performance and aesthetic. Generally its the fiance trying to do things to the car...
Community Stats
- Group Guest Member
- Active Posts 16
- Profile Views 8573
- Member Title Mini Moke
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday December 10, 1988
Real Name