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Jolly June Bug

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Bella <3

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Hey guys anyone goin to this cruise watch out and drive safe, last night DTP cruise met at city west last night and everyone was smoking it up in the car park as we left and it's been all over the news, so there's a chance there maybe cops watching and waiting for hoons. So heads up guys :)

Ten Four

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Saw that.... ugh.



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Fuck me, that's the last thing we need.

Onya guys :bash:

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Bella <3

Bella <3

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Yeh stupid bossen vans ripping it up it's on perthnow.com aswell :S everyone was doing skids which is why I didn't stay but no cops showed up at all.



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Now that it's plastered all over the news, every HPV driver is going to get fucked over, regardless of who was responsible.

If I was a fly on the wall in the pig's duty rooms I would bet my left nut that this will be a subject that would arise.

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Grr well its too late to change the start venue now. I dont think I will be using City west as a start point in the future, it is far too commonly used, and when idiots cause unwanted attention it just does not help. I didnt see any black tread today when I ran the map, maybe they were in the undercover area.
Who is DTP by the way?

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Bella <3

Bella <3

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Yeh stupid bossen vans ripping it up it's on perthnow.com aswell :S everyone was doing skids which is why I didn't stay but no cops showed up at all.

Bella <3

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Whoops double post lol, DTP is for turbo supercharged and v8 cars only it's a new club that's been running for just 2 weeks now.



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Well i will be there, no v8 again, sorry guys, got a busted coolent hose and no coolent, also concerned about one of my heads, will be fixing soon hopefully, but will bring the 6 pot out for a bit :)



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Falcodores. Figures. Ffs, City West is used by everyone, it's the most common meet point in Perth! Anyone with half a fkn brain should know to lay low around that area!!! Fucken hell. Tossers, this is why I hate Commodores and Falcons. 90% of drivers are dickheads. Obviously this doesn't apply to all of them, I have a good mate who drives a Commodore and isn't a dickhead, and other people here as well, but 90% of them are stupid. /rant

In other news, I won't be in the X, I'm driving my car tonight. So you can all FINALLY see me behind the wheel of an automobile!! Haha
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'NA_Goodness', on 12 Jun 2010 - 09:52 AM, said:

Falcodores. Figures. Ffs, City West is used by everyone, it's the most common meet point in Perth! Anyone with half a fkn brain should know to lay low around that area!!! Fucken hell. Tossers, this is why I hate Commodores and Falcons. 90% of drivers are dickheads. Obviously this doesn't apply to all of them, I have a good mate who drives a Commodore and isn't a dickhead, and other people here as well, but 90% of them are stupid. /rant

In other news, I won't be in the X, I'm driving my car tonight. So you can all FINALLY see me behind the wheel of an automobile!! Haha

Well the funny thing is most falcon and commo drivers think pretty much the same thing about the rice burners, not haviong a go! as this day and age your right! i agree with you! theres lots of morrons who cant control themselfs in those cars, but look back at the 90's when thre imports where running roit everywhere, its no different, you just here more and more about it these days with the media ect ect

the imports where the more powerfull cars back then so they got more attetion, the last few years have seen a massive riase in late model holden and fords, with large powerfull motors, with young drivers behind them, what can we really expect.

I didnt expect to see such a comment on this site, the cars dont matter, its the drivers that control them.



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Also i do understand what you are saying about that area, ppl should have more of a brain when it comes to city west and other meet points, a few morrons can fuck it all up for everyone else!

Ten Four

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Great cruise guys, thanks Marianne :D
Sorry if by last meet I was quiet... so tired =/



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Had a great time guys, well done Marianne! I soooo did not go straight over Albany Hwy... Ok, maybe I did, but that was cos I was trying to listen to my voice mail and forgot to turn :confused: But other then that, it felt good to finally drive on a WCC cruise!!
Sorry I didnt get many photos, wasnt in much of a photography mood :( I do enjoy doing it, but I enjoy talking to people as well. Sadly its hard to do both. But here are the 4 I did take:

Posted Image

Posted Image

There is meant to be a Rockstar can in front of this one, his plates say ENERGISE so I thought it was cool:
Posted Image

And finally, ALL HAIL FEARLESS LEADER!!! I was aiming at the cars behind him though...
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CRAP!!!!! I gotta fix that signature, the portrait sig has the wrong spelling of Photography!! Why havent I fixed that yet??? I'll do it in the morning if I can be bothered.
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Ten Four

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^hahaah, good pics as always though :thumbsup:



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Thanks man! The lighting tonight was excellent! Next time I'll be a bit more antisocial and grab more snaps :P
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Thanks for a good night out everyone, as normal it was alot of fun, cheers, photos look pretty good to



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wow soooo many cars, Im glad my printer screwed up and then printed double the amount of maps.
Im very relieved that we had no incidence with the cops. I dont think it is the cars that are the problems, holdens/fords/skylines/v8/v6 etc etc, it is the peepz behind the wheels that are the problems. I dont mind the odd bit of fun, but the smart people choose the time and place properly and dont cause a massive scene. Burnouts at city west car park is not a smart move. Anyway Im just so glad we had no problems.
I was a little worried about Kalamunda, Sam said they had locked down Antilag or something and were going over all the cars. So when I saw that cop car go past I just felt it was best to get moving. Plus it was getting late anyway.

I was happy with my map, and the night was perfect for a scenic run, even if it was fn freezing.
HAHA so funny that everyone followed Allen over to the toilets at Hillarys. ROFL Baa Baaa
I must be getting old, I was so tired I couldnt be bothered going into the Foundry, I think everyone else felt the same as me though. lol
Good Photos Rhys, hehe Like the one of Brett stuffing his face. lol
Im glad you all had fun, I sure did. :bunny:

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I wondering why we went down there! Lol. I hung around at Kalamunda for 10mins after you all left and didnt see any cops, but better be safe then sorry :)
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