As most know, when anyone tries to do a search for WCC using a search engine, WCC is not listed. This means people out there using the world wide web dont even know that WCC website exists. That has now all changed after today.
I have installed and paid for a module called Icelabz's sitemap generator. With this tool you can be sure we will get our pages indexed within no time. Once the links provided from WCC have been submitted to Google Webmaster, i don't have to move another finger. It's all automated, this application will automatically build and renew our sitemap so that everytime Google or any other Search engine (Yahoo, MSN and crawls the sitemap they will get the latest links to our forum.
This will help increase the hits to our website and hopefully get us more numbers for the club.
Ive just tested it with google and were nearly at the top. YAY! Ive tried the other search engines but they havent updated as yet. Give it time, it will work.