Well its all done and ready to rock and roll. The new donation module for WCC is now operational for use.
I have setup this module to help support West Coast Cruisers better for the future ahead. All donations are very much appreciated and i personal thank everyone for there support towards the club.
Im not having a sook or a cry and im still very much happy to pay forever and keep WCC alive, but the running costs of WCC come from mostly myself and Allen. With your donations it will help not only take the ease off us but help improve the club to be bigger and better for the future ahead.
As a team we can really make West Coast Cruisers a reputational car/bike cruising club seen as the very best out there for everyone to enjoy at all major events.
Within the "Donate" button at the top of all web pages, there are goals set towards the club and the website. YOU the donator have a choice of which goal you would like to donate too.
All donations are tracked and shown as each indervidual user and how much they have put forward towards what goal.
I have also setup a points system that for every $1 you donate, your members rank increses by 1 point. This is more of a thankyou benefiit towards your WCC account.
To make a donation, you can either use the hook on the front main page of WCC or you can select the "Donate" button at the top of most webpages and follow the instructions from there.
Once again, thankyou to everyone for there kind donations and i will see you all out there cruisn real soon...
