Ive had a few reports of attachments not attaching properly when a user creates a topic or replies to a post.
I have done some testing today and found that one problem was due to upload size was resricted to 500kb. Got rid of that real quick. It is now at max limit of 2mb per file attached with unlimited amount of attachments to upload.
Once i made this change i was able to select a bigger file to attach but when i tried to use it under a different profile (Paid member, payg member, guest etc) it fails.
This seem to be a bug issue with the board. I will have more of a look at it tonight.

Attachment Uploading Issue
Started by V8EATER, Feb 03 2010 04:41 PM
Posted 03 February 2010 - 04:41 PM

Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!
All donations to West Coast Cruisers is very much appreciated
Posted 05 February 2010 - 01:08 PM

Okay, got a bit of a update on things.
I got the pro's from Invission Power Services (Creaters of IP Board) to log in and have a look at things.
They found a couple of small minor bug issues which have supposably been fixed. They also found other issues relating to the garage module and auto welcome module. These issues i have fixed myself.
So at the moment its a wait of doing tests during the week and we will see how things go.
As i have stated once before, please inform me if anyone is having a problem with the website. I will do my best to ensure it is fully operational with no problems.
I got the pro's from Invission Power Services (Creaters of IP Board) to log in and have a look at things.
They found a couple of small minor bug issues which have supposably been fixed. They also found other issues relating to the garage module and auto welcome module. These issues i have fixed myself.
So at the moment its a wait of doing tests during the week and we will see how things go.
As i have stated once before, please inform me if anyone is having a problem with the website. I will do my best to ensure it is fully operational with no problems.
Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!
All donations to West Coast Cruisers is very much appreciated
Posted 05 February 2010 - 04:15 PM

Test have been performed today with attachment uploading, picture uploading etc.
This problem is now fully resolved and operational.
This problem is now fully resolved and operational.
Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!
All donations to West Coast Cruisers is very much appreciated
Posted 09 June 2010 - 04:53 PM

Topic is now closed with the issue resolved.
Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!
All donations to West Coast Cruisers is very much appreciated