* New sidebar gadgets on main webpage.
* New WCC logo for header and read/not read buttons.
* New favicon in browser tabs and url address bar replacing old IP Board standard.
(To see this change you need to permanetly delete all temporary internet files with what ever browser you are using before you will see the change. The reason for this is because the browser is picking up web cache pages stored on your computer which means it doesnt have the latest favicon. I know im talkin japanese to many so dont worry about it for the ones that dont understand. For the ones that do understand, delete temp internet files, reopen browser and then you will see the new favicon in the tab and the url address bar.)
* More pics added to gallery
* New "Shoutbox" module added to the website. ( This is for a trial period. If not used, it will be removed) IP.Shoutbox is a feature-rich shoutbox/chat system for IP.Board. IP.Shoutbox will enable users to send shouts to each other and allow others to read them. It is like a chat-room for your forums, without the need for Java, Flash or any other browser dependency!
* Several more new modules and hooks to tested and applied to website very soon.

Website Updates 13/09/09
Started by V8EATER, Sep 13 2009 08:24 PM
Posted 13 September 2009 - 08:24 PM

Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!
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