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How do i follow a forum or topic?
Started by V8EATER, Jan 05 2012 04:50 PM
Posted 05 January 2012 - 04:50 PM

In order "follow" a forum, topic or post, you will need to click on the "follow this forum" or "follow this topic" button located on the above right hand side of the forum or topic. When you click on this option, it will ask you if you would like to be notified instantly or not. Tick the appropreate setting and click "follow" to save the changes. Once you have done this for each forum or topic, you will now get an email alert of when there is a new post, topic in the forums.

If anyone is having trouble getting email notifications, please PM me.
If anyone is having trouble getting email notifications, please PM me.
Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!
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