Taken from SkylinesAustralia
"Track battle is coming and the number of local entries is dramatically low, we only have 11 drivers to represent what has been advertised as a huge following of drift in w.a, which I also believe to be true. Shit I kno it, and many of u also know we have a fairly decent following and its only going to get bigger, but when all the media come over and find that we are struggling to make the numbers, this will not encourage such events to come back, and going back to those years in d.a, we will lose rounds to such places as Tasmania(and I kno how freakin pissed I was)
Seriously, what are peoples reasons for either
a ) leaving it last minute
b ) not interested or
c ) other,
Don’t say entry fee, cos how long has it been since our last event, Collie? We haven’t had a round 1 and we have almost NO drift until feb next year which is a cda. Is it not worth the $380 to drive alongside first rate Australian drivers and just have generally freakin good time?
I have LITERALLY poured every cent I have to make this round and seriously been a bum not going out socially etc so I can be ready. Why you may ask? Because I don’t want to have a car iv spent $20+k on sitting in my driveway collecting dust. And I intend on drifting in the many years to come.
With the new track setup the cost of tyres/fuel/etc is dramatically reduced aswell.
Absolute kudos goes to out Keith for all that he has done past, present and I’m sure future also. He is going above and beyond to inject life into what was a diminishing sport.
I mean c’mon, he buys a transporter and sends our drivers to S.A, sends them over to WTAC, also sends them over to ADGP and G1, this incurs a MASSIVE cost to which he derives no profit from, just pure pleasure and self satisfaction he gets to and provide the avenue for others to do what we love most, DRIFT! He even has had a massive hand in the ADGP. He has been raving about how big drift is in W.A, and for everyone to get here and get a half assed reception, man I can understand how much disappointment he may feel if it comes to that.
Hey now some of you may look at this and say meh, some may also agree with what I have to say, but plain and simply all i want from this is as many entries as we can for this event.
Id love for this event to be a massive success so we can host plenty more in the future.
So c’mon guys get motivated, call up all the favours your owed, get ur shitters ready and send those entries in. For me, I know I’ve tried on this forum and il send txts out to all the drivers I know too. If it works, was worth the time iv spent writing this out, if it doesn’t, il still have a blast at the event but have piece of mind I know I tried to help with this venture.
See all you guys around the traps.
Harry Buck aka Muddy."
Well my car has no engine in it, but there are plenty of cars in the WCC fold that could give it a hurt.