date thurs 3rd march
time 7 leave 730ish
map hahahaha none (its the coast rd u get lost ur not really a cruiser)
meet point northside carpark hillarys boat harbour (its the big one with little amount of speed bumps)
This is not a WCC Event, it is just open to WCC members to come along. Do not go thinking that this is an official West Coast Cruisers Cruise. Chances are there will be no map and no definite times after we meet and depart. Purely social.
So, Scott and I have decided to take a little cruise down the coast tomorrow night and have some dinner, all who wish to join us are more than welcome (as long as we like you that is

We are heading off from our fine suburb of Joondalup at about 6:30pm and will meet at the official destination, Hillary's carpark at 7:00pm and leave around about 7:30pm, possibly earlier. The carpark we will be meeting at is the one that is located just East or Northside Drive also known as "the usual spot". If you don't know which direction east is then that's just wonderful, please keep your problems to yourself and don't upset the rest of us.
We will then proceed to cruise down the coast and stop for dinner at one of two locations TBD - Peter's By The Sea in Scarborough or Captain Munchies in Fremantle, home of the yuppie.
Thats all we have come up with so far. If you have any questions, queries or grievences, feel free to go and stick them up your arse

If you need to contact us you can reach Scott ot myself on our mobiles. If you don't have our mobile numbers you can refer to my first paragraph and perhaps you shouldn't be coming.
Might see you there!