not really sure what i will do with it yet, but i have started some repair work on it, it has a few bits of rust that need to be taken care of, the body is mostly good other wise, all the trim is in good condition to
Just needs some machinacl work done on the brakes and the brake lines and a new exsurt system
Its a quick little car, i took it off its speedo at 160mph at around 7500rpm, it didnt seem to mind or even struggle
its got a 1.6l Hemi headed (CVH) motor in it with torsion bar suspension and a 5 speed manual, only front wheel drive for now, but might get a 4 wheel drive kit for it
Not sure if i will be keeping this one as i have a few other things on the go for now, but it is a cool little car, kinda abit ugly but it go's a shit load harder than the escorts of old (and i have owned a few)
Heres some pic's