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Charity Cruise #2

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Bella <3

Bella <3

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On a POSITIVE note, the map was AWSOME! the funds raised were more then expected and the people attended were very well behaved and a nice bunch of people that said they were definitly gonna come out the the next one as they loved the map and turnout and people on it.
The guy i spoke to about joining had the Turbo SAAB....very nice car too which stayed right to the end.
Thankyou to everyone that came and helped raise money :D



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We've had this issue before with people blaming us for crap that wasn't the fault of the club's.

As long as the rego's of fuckwitts are reported to the cops then that's about all that can be done, and I hope that it was Sammy.

If people don't want to not join because of issues like this on an open cruise then there's fuck all that we can do about it. They should at least give us the benefit of the doubt and attend a WCC cruise and see for themselves, not an open one where cunts can fuck things up for us all.

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Pure Grunt

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Well said Allen!

This is why I am not keen on open cruises because you end up with people from other clubs that bring their shit with them and if WCC isnt well represented by memebers as was the case on this cruise then bullshit starts flying around and some idiot starts cutting sick and we get the blame for it. Sure there is always a bit of hooning on the roads with all of our cruises but most of us know the right places and the right times. The only reason I attended this cruise was to support Sam and her cause and WCC and to be a senior representative of the club to help prevent this sort of shit from happening. And seriously it was an awesome run just a shame not everybody donated and only the three WCC members actually finished.

Bella <3

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plates were definitly reported i made sure of it :)



    Mini Moke

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Alrighty. Firstly, 'stones'were not made up to tarnish the club. The person reported to me exactly what they saw and they have see the comments that came after mine and they are not happy and will not be coming back. As far as they are concerned we are also now a bunch of liars to boot. Fantastic! >:(

This is taken directly from the msn conversation.

'just seen the forums will not be giveing them another chance there were burnouts leaveing the look out zig zags and bcf as i have others were were there nd the moron at bcf nearly hit a pole so sorry to say the club is not for me they can not be responcable for there actions they didnet see me at zig zags as we got there before them and parked down the back.'

So whoever that was, I honestly hope to God it was not a WCC member! If a charity event is to be run with WCC's banner then it should be members only and no one else. A club donation. Then we can avoid this crap!

I'm sorry something you organised had issues Sammy and as I said, well done on the money raised. I'm glad you raised money too Paul. However, this happened and as to who and how, I can't say. Lets just avoid it again. As far as I'm concerned that should be the end of it. This was discussed at the last WCC Financial members meeting. Maybe more people need to attend to hear what is said.

Live and let live, Love and let love. Peace



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I believe your friend needs to understand that we cannot control what happens on a public cruise.
Anyone can come and do what they like and unfortunately get tacked to our name.

^all been said before

Also related:

I'm of the opinion that some events eg. This one, my C210 Anniversary cruise or any birthday cruise, are private events organised by an individual or a group of individuals.
I mean this in the way that they aren't official WCC initiatives. An example of one of these is the WCC Dyno day, Offical club event managed by Lachlan or the WCC Track day managed by Scott.
These are mostly frequented by paid members and it would be understandable for someone to form a bad opinion of WCC if they witnessed the above mentioned acts at the above events but NOT when it is private event with public invitation.
This is another reason as to why WCC should not be blamed for anything happening at someone's event, whether the above mentioned acts were committed or not.




    Mini Moke

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While I hear ya and understand what you say Socs, others don't make the differentiation between what comes under our banner and what doesnt.

If a WCC member organises it then it is generally presumed it is a WCC gig regardless of whether only members attend or there are non members also. Tis sad but true. Nicely said however. :P

Live and let live, Love and let love. Peace



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'2LV8ETR', on 15 Feb 2011 - 11:07 AM, said:

We've had this issue before with people blaming us for crap that wasn't the fault of the club's.

As long as the rego's of fuckwitts are reported to the cops then that's about all that can be done, and I hope that it was Sammy.

If people don't want to not join because of issues like this on an open cruise then there's fuck all that we can do about it. They should at least give us the benefit of the doubt and attend a WCC cruise and see for themselves, not an open one where cunts can fuck things up for us all.

Copy that! Too many times wcc has been blamed for non members cruises being held. Wcc is in no way what so ever responsible for any non members cruises organized. If you don't like the non members cruises, simply don't go. If you want to enjoy a cruise without all the crap, join the club and be a financial member. This is why we have separate cruises and this is why the club began.

Non members cruises are open and anyone can go. It is not restricted to wcc members only. It is open event for everyone out in the public to enjoy. What ever happens on the roads is simply not our problem.


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Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!

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Its a little unfortunate that these people attended this particular cruise being new to the car cruise scene. Im sure Sam did her best but you can never predict who will attend and what will happen on open cruises. Its not easy to run a cruise and sometimes people do not listen to instructions/rules.
1. Non Members cruises are open to everyone, this means members from other clubs are often there, we can not predict who will turn up and what their driving habits are like.
2. As Brett Mentioned, WCC is not responsible for the actions of individuals, and we have no legal authority to enforce road rules on any cruise, all we can do is report plates of those breaking the law which Sam has said was done. This should be good enough for any reasonable person.
3. Night time cruises generally invite undesirable attendees, especially on open cruises and more likely on fundraising cruises where there is generally a higher number of attendees, feeling the need to show off.
4. Day time cruises are better for a more relaxed cruise. Official organised events such as dyno day and track day as Socrates mentioned also have close to zero misbehaviour.
5. The members only cruises that are run during the day and incorporate a BBQ also have very little misbehaviour. Non members can attend the members cruise if they attend with a member who has invited them and if they intend to join can come along on their own.

On another note, EVERYONE needs to remember this is a public thread and there are posts in this thread where people have plainly stated and admitted to breaking the road rules.

Suz, If your friends dont believe you when you say the members cruises are hassle free and enjoyable then that is their choice. If they want to give a members cruise a go then the return of Godzilla cruise by Nay Nay should be a good one, it is the Dams to Dams map which you are familiar with.

Its the little things in life that count.

Bella <3

Bella <3

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"The club takes NO responsibility for reckless or dangerous driving behaviours or for what happens on this cruise" - clearly printed on map.
And no more maps were purchased after the first meet point so they would not have seen this msg as they didnt recieve a map, 10-11 maps were purchased out of the 20 odd cars that showed up as only those 10-11 cars were invited to the event the others were tag alongs that just showed up... - (roe)
I was the first car to leave zigzags and only car doing skids was the white r33 skyline which was told to leave and plates were handed in, he decided to drop skids and go down zigzags and then turned around and came back up because he didnt wanna go down them Posted Image he was also a p plater from ******* and has publically apologised on his forum.
We saw your friend at zigzags too as he was the first one there along with another car .
a bunch of ROE members rocked up to BCF as we left and no one from our group did anything stupid or reckless i made sure of it as i was the last car out of there. and when we left there were still a few cars there but they were not from our group at all.there was only 6 cars of our cruise at BCF and there were 11 cars altogether at that meet point.

I really hope your friend isnt thinking that those ROE members were apart of the group cos they turned up to 2 of the stops and both as we were leaving and obviously we have no idea of what they may or may not have done as we werent there.
such a shame to lose members aswell if they think that those people were apart of the cruise... :(
It would be nice to see your friends come out on a members cruise which im sure they would love and they would realise that our members cruises are so much better and friendlier.
Theres nothing more i can say on this matter but i hope your friend does understand that it wasnt a members based cruise and its not the clubs fault at all.:thumbsup:

Pure Grunt

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All I can say is I am extremely dissapointed and that the first three cars to leave each meet point were the WCC cars and no burnouts were seen up to this point except for the one stated. What certain dickheads do after the cruise has left a meet point should in no way reflect on the cruise itself. As far as I am concerned once the cruise has left the meet point then any idiot that decides to cut sick has nothing to do with WCC and WCC should not be blamed for another club members actions.

As a result of all this crap I will not be attending anymore open cruises unless the members of the club turn up to support it. :(