If you cant upload bulk images to gallery, there is a few reasons for it not working.
Firstly, the recommended resolution size of a image is 1024 x 768. The reason for this is 1. it keeps the file size small and 2. big images take ages to load viewing web pages. If you still want to upload a high resolution image, you still can do so as there is no limitation on resolution size.
Secondly, make sure your images are in a .zip format and no other compressed file format method.
Thirdly, make sure your .zip file does not exceed 6MB other wise if the file size exceeds this limit, your browser will time out when you go to upload the zip file. If you have lots of images to upload, do them in 6MB batches. Doing this is alot quicker than doing images individually.
Following these instructions above will allow you to upload bulk images to gallery.

Why cant i bulk upload images using gallery?
Started by V8EATER, Aug 25 2010 04:57 PM
Posted 25 August 2010 - 04:57 PM

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