As the topic says, we now have a new sponsors section ready for advertising on the board index of the website.
After looking around at many sites looking for something to do what was required, i had no luck and i decided to create my own piece of code that allows us to display our sponsors on the board index page down the bottom. Having never created anything like this before, all was done from scratch and within a couple of hours of playing around to get it right, i had something that worked to my liking.
The sponsors section advertises our sponsors that support the club with having the option to click on there picture redirecting you to there website for viewing. All out bound links to the third parties website are tracked so i can personally see how many people are clicking on the sponsors picture to see the sponsors site.
As you can already see, we have our first sponsor "Ree" with her website. She came forward to me asking to sponsor the club showing her support. I was very happy to see she came forward with the offer. With a few discussions with Ree, i then prepared a sponsors section to get things started.
Now, the sponsors section will only be advertised on the main index page. It will not be shown thru out the forums. This is to keep the clutter down as we all know, its very annoying to see it on every single page. I wanted to keep it clean.
If anyone is interested in advertising there business as sponsorship towards the club, please PM me as i will provide you with information of the costs involved.
For all you computer geeks out there wondering how i did it, here is the code. Use at your own free will. I accept no responsibility for it if something happens to your site. It is especially designed for WCC's website and it may need modifying to suit your own. BTW the code needs to be inserted into the boardindextemplate.
<div class='category_block block_wrap'>
<h3 class='maintitle'>West Coast Cruisers Sponsors <a class='toggle right' title='{$this->lang->words['click_toggle']}'>{$this->lang->words['click_toggle']}</a></h3>
<table class="ipb_table">
<td class="row2">
<div id='attach_wrap' class='rounded clearfix'>
<ul style="text-align:center;">
<a href='' rel='nofollow' target="_blank" onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/outgoing/www_dramatikragdolls_com');"><img src="http://www.westcoast...ikRagdolls.jpg" border="0" /></a>
I hope that now having this in place, we can pick up a few sponsors to support the clubs future ahead. I am very happy to have this section now operational.

New sponsors section on board index
Started by V8EATER, Aug 10 2010 03:04 PM
Posted 10 August 2010 - 03:04 PM

Go Hard Or Fuck Off Home. Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners!!!
All donations to West Coast Cruisers is very much appreciated